attn: carve and amber
RAGINGFUCKMAN 310 days ago
You know the movie Abyss, the scene where the chick is talking about seeing the alien and then that guy, Hippy, chimes in and she says "Hippy, please stay off of my side"?
toxicnacho 310 days ago
Xander, you're great, but let's make this about amber and carve crying in the discord.
RAGINGFUCKMAN 310 days ago
Shut the f*ck up, you ran back and forth between whoever would beat on you the least. Remember your LOVE LETTER and initially joining the discord till you made your own issue? And then saying Lurk was cool and then bandwagon jumping the other way? Same thing you always get ripped on. Celine talking shit to them is fine, that's between two people who didn't spend the last year acting like it's some teenage fan club free agency. You get made fun of in there because you went in multiple times posting these long, contrived, stories about how everyone should pity you; including one time you claimed to be your wife saying you killed yourself. f*cking annoying.
RAGINGFUCKMAN 310 days ago
I don't have the time to explain anything beyond that. FFS, argue with barb whatever, argue with whomever, but jesus christ, same old f*cking same old.
toxicnacho 310 days ago
I like how I can't even laugh at myself anymore here without being berated by Xander.