PenicillinTrapdoor 201 days ago
Working my 3rd Saturday in a row. I'm usually off Saturday and Sunday. Hopefully I get my shit done quick so I can go the bar for some of the early hockey games.
BarstoolBilly 201 days ago
counting down the hours https://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20240224T2330&p0=43&msg=Countdown+Timer&font=cursive
toxicnacho 201 days ago
I want to get drunk and smoke some weed on this beautiful Friday afternoon, but I think I'll just have a few while I have some free time and go to the garage a little later.
TheMoustacheMassacre 200 days ago
At the laundromat right now. I'm gonna drink, eat Shepard pie, and put away laundry later.
I'm gonna take my dogs to the snow and a lake in the morning and then probably go out and drink tomorrow night.
Sunday I'll probably drink at home and watch the new season of formula 1.