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virus_dot_exe 2/3/2023 11:38:14 AM

Bortslob 2/3/2023 11:52:28 AM
Get f*cked up! Freeze to death

scissors7 2/3/2023 4:33:11 PM
thanks virus for posting this in my absence. i have been very busy with new job. tonight - C's on TV sat - kids dance and basketball, try not to freeze to death, wife working sun - maybe ice fish stilll no boooze ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

toxicnacho 2/3/2023 6:52:24 PM
Just played star ocean for like six straight hours high as f*ck Might do that all weekend

TheMoustacheMassacre 2/3/2023 7:19:44 PM
Right now taking a bath. Then I'm gonna heat up some tamales and drink mezcal.