miami vice (2006)
PatrickBateman 9/15/2022 7:12:30 PM
Miami is overrated. There is traffic at all hours of the day, the humidity is nonstop, but the only redeeming qualities are good food and nice beaches.
The movie was alright but too much grain in some of the scenes because of the lack of lighting.
rick_tocchet 9/15/2022 7:49:45 PM
Movie could of been awesome. But it was too drawn out and boring. And Miami is not that cool. Traffic is constantly shitty and there are bums everywhere.
TheMoustacheMassacre 9/16/2022 5:34:02 PM
Shut the f*ck up you idiot. Some scenes had grain because they shot some on film and some digital. Don't need your stupid commentary on grain. Some of the digital might have had some grain as well, but it added to the overall visual aesthetic. That's the stupidest reason I've ever heard of to rag on a movie.
Movie is fantastic. The boat scene to Cuba is one of the best scenes in a movie in the last 20 years. Last great Mann film, but I have high hopes for Heat 2.
NorthFromHere 9/16/2022 6:45:19 PM
'Movie is fantastic. The boat scene to Cuba is one of the best scenes in a movie in the last 20 years. Last great Mann film, but I have high hopes for Heat 2.'
Agreed. It's a miracle the movie turned out so well given Jamie Foxx walked off the set and Farrell was drunk out of his mind. Foxx disappearing midway through was a blessing in disguise because he's mediocre and Farrell is better than him drunk or not.
PatrickBateman 9/16/2022 7:26:15 PM
LMAO. I have always enjoyed the directors film and style. Collateral had very similar scenes. Grain in any digital format is because the ISO is too high on the f*cking device because the lack of lighting. I didn't say it was a bad movie but it could've been better.
I am not sorry I don't like your favorite movie. Cry some more.