That band Scowl
NorthFromHere 9/5/2022 1:37:43 PM
Somebody posted a video of them a few months ago and it was truly a sight to see. The guitarist was struggling with beginner level stuff. Embarrassing!
VodkaVeins 9/6/2022 7:18:47 AM
This is some middle school talent show shit...
simon_belmont 9/6/2022 7:30:52 AM
Why are people moshing to nothing? There's feedback and the drummer is hitting the toms on the one and people are windmilling like it's an All Out War breakdown. What a bunch of goofballs.
PenicillinTrapdoor 9/6/2022 10:44:41 AM
VodkaVeins 3 hours ago
This is some middle school talent show shit...
that's what hardcore kids are into
PenicillinTrapdoor 9/6/2022 12:02:24 PM
well would ya know it?? there's a link to them right here in this very thread.
lurkcity 9/6/2022 1:37:14 PM
do you think those in the crowd are familiar with the band from their tour w the bizkit?
7billiondead 9/6/2022 2:47:21 PM
Playing with drug church next month. Would like to see DC but I don't think I can handle this dogshit.
666pack 9/6/2022 3:40:59 PM
They're alright, but I agree they're incredibly basic. It's boring punk that's been done a million times at this point