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I thought i was banned

BlkFrmThWstDwn 7/15/2022 2:09:49 PM
it times, great things will come

Bortslob 7/15/2022 2:16:49 PM

BlkFrmThWstDwn 7/15/2022 2:20:00 PM
great things = i will post until your feelings can take no more

Inkongudunk 7/15/2022 2:22:03 PM
So you think people disliking you is because you hurt their feelings? Lol. When women turn you down, is it because they are lesbians?

BlkFrmThWstDwn 7/15/2022 2:23:20 PM
women don't turn me down dawg especially with dating apps it's like shooting fish in a barrel nujack

BlkFrmThWstDwn 7/15/2022 2:25:06 PM
I love Phil Collins

nothinlefttogive 7/15/2022 2:33:32 PM
It's nu Phil Anselmo ^^^

iwilladapt 7/15/2022 2:42:44 PM
shut the f*ck up idiot

BlkFrmThWstDwn 7/15/2022 2:44:53 PM
adapt to these nuts bro

Barbara 7/15/2022 2:52:44 PM
XD XD no one f*cking cares XD XD

Inkongudunk 7/15/2022 3:07:42 PM
Lol, this guy is so desperate for attention. How sad

iwilladapt 7/15/2022 3:09:08 PM
believe it or not, you don't get banned just for being dumb as hell

Bortslob 7/15/2022 3:19:27 PM
I'm positive it's trind at this point. The douchechills are immense

nothinlefttogive 7/15/2022 3:25:00 PM
It's trind, post-OCD therapy, pretending to be an American redneck

lake_flaccid 7/15/2022 3:27:51 PM
The board needed a new villain but this guy just sucks