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withdeadhandsrising 7/11/2022 3:43:07 PM
*pulls up to alex webmaster's house* *takes out megaphone covered in depswa and coal chamber stickers* SUP MoMFuKKEr THa PReZIdENt uv ThA LimP BiZkiT FaNN kLUBb ToLD mE u SoLd HiM uR DuMaZz sYte BeZt mOvE u EvEr MaEd BuT iF u ThYnK 4 a SeKkoNd tHiz mEenz iM dUn w/ u, U gOt aNoThEr THiNg cOmi- *from zero - check ya ringtone plays on prepaid cell* HuLLo?! yA hi MoM nO iM nOt at HoMe WuT?! y iZ dAd OuT LoOKin 4 mE?! nO nO iDk wHeR hiZ hArD mTn DeWz wEnt, LaZt tYmE i HaD 1 hE MaEd mE mOp thA kItChEnn nAekd w/ mY diKK tuKked iM nOt BoThErIng thAt ArNoLd bOy aGaiNn, hE TrAdEd it 2 LuRkk 4 a YeAr NiKe ViP mEmbERsHiP sEw He KoOd gEt shOezz 4 hiS 17 cHiLdre- *sees webby blowing out mrs webbys back while lurkcity farts and shouts "CRYPTO!!!!" through window* OH SHIT F*CK YOU *speeds off blasting hed pe*

Barbara 7/11/2022 3:46:19 PM
Alright I think we can wrap everything up after this one Lol/10

withdeadhandsrising 7/11/2022 4:08:31 PM
this was a real pain in the ass to type on the phone

Bortslob 7/11/2022 4:09:32 PM
LaZt… got me for some reason lol

evil_hero 7/11/2022 4:38:03 PM

lake_flaccid 7/11/2022 5:12:49 PM
dikk tukkd

lurkcity 7/11/2022 5:32:17 PM
withdeadhandsrising 1 hour ago this was a real pain in the ass to type on the phone so you're saying you spent some time on this.

withdeadhandsrising 7/11/2022 5:45:29 PM
yeah and you spent money on lambgoat shut the f*ck up, donkey from shrek f*cked a manatee headass

evil_hero 7/11/2022 5:46:49 PM

TheMoustacheMassacre 7/11/2022 6:32:27 PM

RAGINGFUCKMAN 7/11/2022 8:16:13 PM
Lurk do I need to hit you up off the board to lay down the guidelines to this because ur buds think to the mattresses means take a nap bro

iwilladapt 7/11/2022 9:09:05 PM
I lol'd hard at the original post and again at this withdeadhandsrising 3 hours ago yeah and you spent money on lambgoat shut the f*ck up, donkey from shrek f*cked a manatee headass where the hell is the lgmb_burn_unit?

SnagglePuss 7/11/2022 9:18:25 PM
withdeadhandsrising 3 hours ago yeah and you spent money on lambgoat This will now be the go to any time dumpy davey tries to dunk on anyone