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Portslob or whoever. honestly if i don't see SLK or shaolin I don't really read

ShaolinLambKiller 7/4/2022 3:39:21 PM
that is the end of the title you can post. I don't care there are only 2 people that remind me that this place exists and it's like digging up a grave like the good the bad and the ugly. meaning I legit don't care if I drop in i just carpet bomb hate but it will never matter to me. lol.

jimbo 7/4/2022 3:40:05 PM

AnalButt 7/4/2022 3:43:33 PM
Shit Up Your Ass

carveyournamein 7/4/2022 3:47:43 PM

B__DAWG 7/4/2022 3:48:03 PM
you can't read. admit it

jimbo 7/4/2022 3:49:53 PM
i read every other word. it's an issue. I might get fired

ShaolinLambKiller 7/4/2022 5:10:51 PM
I am an AI program from 2002 and ya'll got fooled. seth, you saw me in person and that was just not me. and I hate you.

Portslob 7/4/2022 7:38:59 PM
Honest to god. I've never been more terrified in my life than I am right now

Barbara 7/4/2022 7:58:47 PM

Barbara 7/4/2022 7:58:59 PM
Biden is also a CarveBot

iwilladapt 7/4/2022 8:50:22 PM
I feel like I have a concussion after reading that

evil_hero 7/4/2022 9:53:16 PM
he is lost in carcosa

ShaolinLambKiller 7/5/2022 4:31:09 AM
God i love this so much

thetowerofrome 7/5/2022 5:19:28 AM