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foulmouth 6/20/2022 6:32:27 AM
Xasthur - A Gate Through Bloodstained Mirrors Shipwreck AD - Abyss Cave In - White Silence Boris - Noise All Out War - Truth in the Age of Lies Serpentine Path - s/t Big Business - Here Come the Waterworks Mammoth Grinder - Cosmic Crypt

B__DAWG 6/20/2022 6:42:47 AM
sun city girls - grotto of miracles thinkin' fellers union 282 - strangers from the universe all out war - for those who were crucified the crucif*cks - our will be done impetigo - horror of the zomies the jayhawks - tomorrow the green grass

B__DAWG 6/20/2022 6:43:16 AM
holy crap we were both listening to all out war

_steelpanda_ 6/20/2022 6:45:58 AM
White ward Kankar Der weng einer freiheit Blasphemium Kvaen Moonlight Sorcery

_steelpanda_ 6/20/2022 6:46:18 AM
All out war

B__DAWG 6/20/2022 6:50:03 AM
that sounds like some crazy bands panda. i only know one of those

_steelpanda_ 6/20/2022 6:56:56 AM
If you like symphonic black metal b dawg, you'll like the mentioned bands besides white ward lol.

B__DAWG 6/20/2022 8:59:56 AM
i'm gonna check those out