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another school shooting

withdeadhandsrising 5/24/2022 1:44:33 PM
14 kids and a teacher

withdeadhandsrising 5/24/2022 1:44:46 PM

dayman 5/24/2022 1:46:00 PM
your username is in poor taste

withdeadhandsrising 5/24/2022 1:46:53 PM
apparently it was a 19 year old walked into a school of 2nd-4th graders go texas

Barbara 5/24/2022 1:47:50 PM
used to drive through uvalde a bunch when I went hunting in west texas. not a great place back then

simon_belmont 5/24/2022 1:48:31 PM
Those second graders should have been armed

theocean 5/24/2022 1:49:58 PM
initial reports say it was a disgruntled lambgoat.com news commenter

Barbara 5/24/2022 1:50:34 PM
webby doesn't post news to get gruntled over

withdeadhandsrising 5/24/2022 1:52:08 PM

theocean 5/24/2022 1:52:37 PM
webby is praying that the shooter played theremin in a moderately successful progressive metalcore band

RAGINGFUCKMAN 5/24/2022 1:53:09 PM
remember when webmaster posted a video of a murder happening, unknowingly, on the news?

evil_hero 5/24/2022 1:53:52 PM
withdeadhandsrising 1 minute ago ergruntled erwhuntle? anyone remember that old school goat

easyhateoven 5/24/2022 1:53:56 PM
simon_belmont 5 minutes ago Those second graders should have been armed lol

evil_hero 5/24/2022 1:54:17 PM
anyone who would gun down a child is the lowest form of scum imaginable. f*ck this dude

theocean 5/24/2022 1:54:51 PM
carve is on the phone with texas authorities right now