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something to keep in mind

Barbara 5/21/2022 9:02:07 AM
lurkcity 8 hours ago fl knives > weak ass northeast knives

RAGINGFUCKMAN 5/21/2022 9:02:42 AM
please no one try to run over lurkcity with a rascal scooter, for fun, at furnace fest. please do not do this anyone.

evil_hero 5/21/2022 9:02:49 AM

evil_hero 5/21/2022 9:04:19 AM
lurks gonna slice me with his gas station butterfly knife

RAGINGFUCKMAN 5/21/2022 9:06:26 AM
he knows the goblin king bruh

Barbara 5/21/2022 9:07:09 AM
Necklessgoblindong on the podcast

RAGINGFUCKMAN 5/21/2022 9:10:45 AM
im sorry the goblin king is bigger with a nutsack face, so that might be lurkcity himself.