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Everything everywhere all at once

Barbara 5/1/2022 4:31:13 PM
Finally saw this last night. Pretty good flick

AnalButt 5/1/2022 4:31:51 PM
I liked it.

God 6/26/2022 2:51:09 PM
The last 30 minutes while emotionally evocative was schmaltzy and overdone. Should have stuck more to the comedy. Very fun film either way

B__DAWG 6/26/2022 2:51:40 PM
never heard of

butlerianjihad 6/26/2022 2:51:52 PM
Will watch when it's released on VHS

backseatkiller 6/26/2022 3:48:47 PM
this and men didn't nail the endings for me. both worthwhile otherwise.