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i see your post on social media

withdeadhandsrising 4/22/2022 4:09:24 PM
right here https://ibb.co/rkDK5P1

carveyournamein 4/22/2022 4:11:42 PM

carveyournamein 4/22/2022 4:13:02 PM
I forget how miserable it must be to grow up this millennium.

withdeadhandsrising 4/22/2022 4:15:17 PM
i dunno carve, those two seem happy

Portslob 4/22/2022 4:26:31 PM
They look related

RAGINGFUCKMAN 4/22/2022 4:30:44 PM
she goes to another school you don't know her

dayman 4/22/2022 4:37:22 PM
idk why but the way his mouth looks makes it funnier