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foulmouth 3/10/2022 7:07:58 AM
Drudkh - A Furrow Cut Short Tombs - All Empires Fall Alter of Plagues - Mammal GY!BE - Luciferian Towers Suffocation - Breeding the Spawn Wormrot - Abuse Radiohead - Kid A Burst - Lazarus Bird

easyhateoven 3/10/2022 7:09:07 AM
l'objectif interpol the smiths vr sex the horrors take life

BULLHEAD 3/10/2022 7:47:46 AM
King gizzard - nonagon infinity Katatonia - the fall of hearts Killing joke - hosannas from the basement of hell Kreator - pleasure to kill

easyhateoven 3/10/2022 7:52:29 AM
that's an underrated killing joke album, bull

BULLHEAD 3/10/2022 8:05:18 AM
It rules

simon_belmont 3/10/2022 8:06:37 AM
Good thing you added a 4th K

_steelpanda_ 3/10/2022 8:07:31 AM
Days of the new discography. Got a lot driving to do today, like 3 different cites, might get to see Ms.Panda today. Regardless I'm driving panda today. I'm also DrivenPanda now, thanks to meds and therapy, i ain't full train wreck anymore. We cleaning the tracks now and bout to be fully up and running. Real talk, y'all helped a lot, no joke. Mad respect for y'all, I don't toss that shit out like candy, y'all all really good dudes, and make me genuine left. Those Hahahahahaha i drop, I got tears in my eyes when I lost that shit.

BULLHEAD 3/10/2022 8:08:40 AM
Two of those bands decided to spell their name with Ks as an artistic choice. That's fun

BULLHEAD 3/10/2022 8:09:06 AM
Days of the news not bad

theocean 3/10/2022 8:09:25 AM
sunny day real estate-diary nirvana-live at reading mogwai-government commissions

evil_hero 3/10/2022 8:21:41 AM
im listening to whatever the oceans listening to since im under the table sucking him off in a straight not gay way

theocean 3/10/2022 8:27:27 AM
honey boy place my ashes in a vase beneath your workout bench