Make better threads tonight
thetowerofrome 3/5/2022 5:32:02 PM
After dot freaking out last night I now need the same level of entertainment
RAGINGFUCKMAN 3/5/2022 5:39:41 PM
you get what you give
i gave trinds address and phone number to create the beast
RAGINGFUCKMAN 3/5/2022 5:40:34 PM
do you have a moment to speak about our lord and savior, Full Metal Alchemist?
_d0thack_ 3/5/2022 5:52:30 PM
Sorry man. I legitimately haven't taken my bi polar medication for a few days until today. It's no excuse. But I'm not generally like that. I won't talk to you that way again.
RAGINGFUCKMAN 3/5/2022 6:00:02 PM
just don't get legit mad. that's all you gotta do like don't lean into saying the n word or "gay" and seem like you're being legit mad. that's really it i think.
_d0thack_ 3/5/2022 7:43:24 PM
Eh..not for anything good. I was straight up f*cking looney. It's embarrassing.