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Divorced goats

nothinlefttogive 2/25/2022 6:42:52 PM
I dunno, I feel like I should maybe try to rack up lots of divorces?

nothinlefttogive 2/25/2022 6:47:47 PM
All of the bonafide pussies in my life get very up in arms about the ideas of prenups/postnups & the idea of divorce. Abrahamic religions have ruined our society!

Barbara 2/25/2022 6:50:19 PM
I kind of want to divorce you now

BULLHEAD 2/25/2022 6:51:15 PM
maybe i'll get married

nothinlefttogive 2/25/2022 6:54:54 PM
Barb, I'm not sure we were ever compatible. BTW, I just cashed another 3 g-notes from draftkings....pretty sure I have a problem???

Barbara 2/25/2022 7:00:04 PM
I f*cking told you that scratcher addiction would cost you everything

nothinlefttogive 2/25/2022 7:02:52 PM
Lol. Woof!

nothinlefttogive 2/25/2022 7:03:16 PM
Is it weird that I prefer my mother-in-law's company over that of both my wife & my own mother?

Portslob 2/25/2022 7:25:53 PM
Whatever it costs, it's the best money ever spent and worth every penny

_steelpanda_ 2/25/2022 7:29:43 PM
I got pre numps, I'm good, no retro active anything, alimony, we never had joint accounts, right down the middle, child support is based off state scale, property was already divided, I had few boxes. I take a hit each month on child support but you a bitch if you complain, that's your kid, separate your feelings from world destroyer, don't ever talk bad about her in front kid, be a good dad, take your licks, it's just bruised pride and ego, it will fade, you obviously don't love her enough to stay if your contemplating it, the thought doesn't go away it festers. I pulled both triggers on my divorces. You got a kid, f*ck you and f*ck her. That is your only priority in life and nothing else, if you disagree on that then you have other problems and need to give her full custody. I am giving wife number 2 full custody, I asked for it, I've already caused enough damage to them, no more, im to unstable and got to much shit, accountability. Now go slam booze or whatever and go cry and get your shit done and put your kid first.

evil_hero 2/25/2022 7:42:28 PM
Barbara 2 hours ago You don't get to say that trind

evil_hero 2/25/2022 7:42:55 PM
in the prison yard of lambgoat. ejs holding MY pocket trind. hes protected

nothinlefttogive 2/25/2022 7:46:39 PM
It's funny...I'm willing to be taken to the fukkin cleaners on child support...but leave me alone on the alimony! I'll reiterate - highly paid babysitter.

nothinlefttogive 2/25/2022 7:48:57 PM
I'm up shit's creek for alimony, realistically...but I think it'd be a temporary pain...one that could theoretically net me some super fukkin cool housing, oddly enough. "We live in a negative universe", as a wise person once told me...

nothinlefttogive 2/25/2022 7:51:28 PM
I've been with this girl almost 20 years. Very fortunate to have only (somewhat) recently married her...