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Having an NPV

skinsuit 2/19/2022 3:57:23 PM

skinsuit 2/19/2022 3:59:29 PM
It makes a driving video in its NPV or it gets the hell out.

BULLHEAD 2/19/2022 3:59:36 PM
no ones gonna call that guy

jimbo 2/19/2022 3:59:37 PM
is it true you sit alone on a bench waiting for a welfare check? the image really does match your posting

skinsuit 2/19/2022 4:00:10 PM
BULLHEAD 15 seconds ago no ones gonna call that guy It is so sad.

BULLHEAD 2/19/2022 4:00:12 PM
i don't think you understand how mail works

RAGINGFUCKMAN 2/19/2022 4:01:18 PM
remember when you were being ignored, you f*cking piece of shit? you know, you could've just gone away for a month, and come back low key. like the hundreds of other times. i think i should make you homeless, at least then you won't have to worry about your address being posted.

RAGINGFUCKMAN 2/19/2022 4:01:59 PM
you can bring your blanket and hay pile to that park bench where you hang out with your only friend: the trash can

skinsuit 2/19/2022 4:02:48 PM
You can't and won't do shit, like always. Don't you ever get tired of yourself spamming the same retarded shit, regurgitating stuff you've already posted a million f*cking times?

skinsuit 2/19/2022 4:03:18 PM
So now I am that person in the image on Google maps? You're funny.

skinsuit 2/19/2022 4:03:52 PM
I won't be reporting you anymore tonight. I can't be bothered. Have fun posting the same old. You aren't gonna do jack shit beyond that, and we both know it.

RAGINGFUCKMAN 2/19/2022 4:04:45 PM
Let's stop for a second and pretend you're not a f*cking retard. -Told you to go away, or else I'd bully you. I did. You lost your shit and made a bunch of terrible jokes and death threats. -I told you to f*cking go away again, you're like HAHA I M VINCIBLE and then I posted your comments from 2006 and that gave you a f*cking breakdown -you kept acting like it's all the same, so I posted your home address -then your phone number -you didn't enjoy any of this -then we found out you're on assisted housing -then we saw you sitting waiting for the bus dude, if you're too dumb to notice, this has escalated a lot since the beginning of last year lol

RAGINGFUCKMAN 2/19/2022 4:05:07 PM
I'm gonna run you out of the place you've lived at since 2003. And that is you.

RAGINGFUCKMAN 2/19/2022 4:05:26 PM
You're really f*cking stupid and reacted the same way to that as to the number and the address. You're not f*cking smart, man.

RAGINGFUCKMAN 2/19/2022 4:05:41 PM
Really, just consider leaving for a month and I promise I won't take the next step.