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damn, biden can even subpoena toilets now

withdeadhandsrising 2/16/2022 7:48:56 AM
he wants those logs those are gonna be some big logs https://apnews.com/article/joe-biden-donald-trump-united-states-congress-dana-remus-833698eba6e222cdc3dfa128c44b0c99

Barbara 2/16/2022 7:58:19 AM
not my president, not my dibs

RAGINGFUCKMAN 2/16/2022 8:04:03 AM
what if, now stay with me here, all them folks on Jan 6th were just tryin to get second dibs after they heard Mike Pence had called dibs on the toilet??

RAGINGFUCKMAN 2/16/2022 8:05:59 AM
that'd be a good stat for C-SPAN: A. Ocasio-Cortez: 2 bathroom breaks M. Taylor-Greene: 5 bathroom breaks (see notes) **-1 toilet destroyed

RAGINGFUCKMAN 2/16/2022 8:08:38 AM
M. Gaetz calls dibs once every 30 minutes, he has Tinder on his phone, in a year the congressional dibsing toilet will be back logged with 7 months of cum.

RAGINGFUCKMAN 2/16/2022 8:10:39 AM
parting thought: you remember being a kid and having to use the bathroom in the morning or before bed but you'd time it horribly and you'd have to go in right after your dad took his massive man shit? I just imagine the scent would be similar walking by or into any bathroom Donald Trump has used. He just seems like an angry, violent, shitter.

RAGINGFUCKMAN 2/16/2022 8:11:08 AM
you know the people who shit so hard they leave a shit stain on the toilet that is more or less burnt plastic and it won't come off no matter how good you aim and pee on it?

evil_hero 2/16/2022 8:13:07 AM
i am an angry violent shitter

RAGINGFUCKMAN 2/16/2022 8:14:15 AM
let me be clear: there ain't nothin wrong with screamin at your own ass and angrily demanding it shit faster, the poops gotta get out somehow

RAGINGFUCKMAN 2/16/2022 8:17:04 AM
i mean, it's effective. i spend a lot of time volunteering, going down to port-a-pottys and screaming at the asses of the homeless, they seem to shit pretty quickly. motivation is one heck of a thing.