jacksonville jaguars
jimbo 2/10/2022 7:28:03 PM
he really did become the new trind for the few days or however long everyone ignored trind lol
lurkcity 2/10/2022 7:28:41 PM
jimbo 6 seconds ago
he really did become the new trind for the few days or however long everyone ignored trind lol
oh. i didnt notice any difference
lurkcity 2/10/2022 7:32:56 PM
butlerianjihad 3 minutes ago
You need a shower I can smell you through my phone you stink
you should keep your phone somewhere else than in your underpants.
RAGINGFUCKMAN 2/10/2022 7:50:00 PM
butlerianjihad 20 minutes ago
You need a shower I can smell you through my phone you stink
carveyournamein 19 minutes ago
_steelpanda_ 2/10/2022 8:04:01 PM
God damnit bucket boy who the f*ck said you could open your dick holster. I'm looking at my cctv at the cum shack and you haven't cleaned up undertows mess, looks like they caught a god damn rip tide. I want you to me build a god damn 1950's California life guard tower and I went there sum bitch welded down and covered in grip tape, we don't want another Tony Danza clap experience, I had messy spaghetti dripping out my venom hole for weeks you god damn clef lip having ballon knot ass eyes f*ck