BlogOctober 23, 2012 5:14 PM ET

Terror frontman Scott Vogel calls The Ghost Inside 'bullshit band'

Thanks to ThePRP for bringing this to our attention, but Terror vocalist Scott Vogel apparently isn't a fan of The Ghost Inside.

While performing in Leeds, UK last night, Vogel had the following to say about Terror's forthcoming album:

"It's a very anti record of bullshit bands like The Ghost Inside that claim they're hardcore when they don't even know what hardcore is, get out of my face. Oh yeah, that's what's up. We're not holding back anymore, ya know what I'm saying?"

Here's the relevant video:

UPDATE: The Ghost Inside vocalist Jonathan Vigil has now put forth a statement addressing the particular matter. Notably, Vigil accepts some blame for Vogel's comments. Here you go:

Hardcore to me is, and always has been, about the message. It's about the sense of community you feel knowing you're not the only one who thinks the way you do. About the pride you have in yourself that you don't conform with the "normal world." Hardcore is about being yourself and being proud of it.

I grew up, and got into hardcore music through bands like Throwdown, Shai Hulud, Bane, One King Down, American Nightmare, etc. All of these bands sound completely different, but they all still have something in common. Every single one of those band have songs of substance, songs that make you think, songs that mean something. And they all have some merch with the word "hardcore" on them.

I do my absolute best to give back to the hardcore community by trying to write songs that will inspire and help people the way that hardcore bands of my era helped me. I wouldn't have the strength to turn down any drugs or alcohol that came my way if it wasn't for Throwdown's "You Don't Have To Be Blood To Be Family." I would be an angry people hating misanthropist if I never heard Shai Hulud's "Hearts Once Nourished With Hope And Compassion." And most importantly, I wouldn't have learned about dedication and sacrifice if it wasn't for Bane's "Give Blood." All of these lessons I learned from hardcore. I owe who I am today to hardcore.

Hardcore to me has never been about a sound. It has always been about a message. The reason I call The Ghost Inside a hardcore band is because I believe in our songs. I believe in what we do. I believe that we are doing this band for all the right reasons. That's why it's so important to me to let people know what our songs are about. In the chance that they hear the message, and it sparks something inside them.

All of this is why I've always considered The Ghost Inside a hardcore band. If other people and other bands in the hardcore community feel that we are doing the hardcore community an injustice, or misrepresenting the scene, we will never print another piece of merch with the word hardcore on it.

I want people reading this to know that I mean no disrespect to anyone. ESPECIALLY Scott whom I've toured with a bunch, and have had many talks with about hardcore music. I respect his band, his career and what he said about my band. While on tour with Terror I acted a fool and disrespected Scott and some of his friends. I've done my very best to make amends with them. He has a reason to dislike me and my band. That is something I can only blame myself for, and something that I have to live with. Hardcore is also about honesty, and he was just being honest with the crowd.


Post Comment
anonymous 10/23/2012 2:21:30 PM


anonymous 10/23/2012 2:22:35 PM

fck terror, fck vogel, fck every band he mentioned especially trapped under ice, and most of all fck hardcore.

anonymous 10/23/2012 2:23:53 PM

hardcore frontmen talk way too fcking much

anonymous 10/23/2012 2:25:08 PM

MY sageA

anonymous 10/23/2012 2:26:03 PM

Oh my word.

anonymous 10/23/2012 2:27:19 PM

Wow... very immature. What did the Ghost Inside do to him?

anonymous 10/23/2012 2:31:36 PM

I dont like tgi but im not a much bigger fan of terror. I love hardcore but fck this shit, if you don't dig it, don't listen to it. whats talking shit gonna do for you

anonymous 10/23/2012 2:32:02 PM

Oh man...Terror in need of attention.

anonymous 10/23/2012 2:33:56 PM

All the internet tough guy hardcore kids are STOKED.

anonymous 10/23/2012 2:35:00 PM

Just listen to dubstep and fck each other

anonymous 10/23/2012 2:35:46 PM

Scott Vogel is an alcoholic/cokehead who is widely hated by everyone. If anyone takes this fcking imbecile seriously, they are either drunk or just full on retarded. Also, I dare you to list ONE GOOD Terror record.

anonymous 10/23/2012 2:36:15 PM

He's right. They don't give a fck about the hardcore scene

anonymous 10/23/2012 2:36:41 PM

What's funny is that Terror has metal influences which are blatantly obvious. Therefore they'd likely be categorized as hardcore/metal. Which ultimately is the same thing The Ghost Inside would be categorized as.

anonymous 10/23/2012 2:36:46 PM

Says the guy who let Terror go on tour with Emmure like three times.

anonymous 10/23/2012 2:39:28 PM

Terror needs to get over themselves. The Ghost Inside is one of the most respected bands in the hardcore scene. Terror is just jealous of how small they are compared to The Ghost Inside. fck you Terror.

anonymous 10/23/2012 2:39:32 PM

And most importantly, why the fck did he mention Title Fight? Title Fight isn't hardcore, they're just one of those bands that "hardcore kids" like for some fcking reason. This makes me dislike Terror a bit.

anonymous 10/23/2012 2:40:57 PM


anonymous 10/23/2012 2:44:26 PM

I bet he's just pissed that Terror couldn't get on the next TGI tour

anonymous 10/23/2012 2:46:19 PM

And you wonder why hardcore scene is drifting apart, is because of elitist jerks like him, that believe that one one "form" of hardcore is better than the other, really thou, can we just all be the Bane of the situation and try to get along for once?

anonymous 10/23/2012 2:47:10 PM

yo terror is old school hardcore. thats that shit that everyone grew out of when they grew up. backtrack is cool but most of these "hardcore" bands act like they are something that they are not. TGI is doing it right, getting big. They just mad.

anonymous 10/23/2012 2:50:30 PM

You gotta love Terror and Scott Vogel! Keeping Hardcore true to the roots. Haters gonna hate. Terror > TGI #keeperofthefaith

anonymous 10/23/2012 2:52:25 PM

Terror tuvo 3 buenos discos, pero hace rato andan puro weando. drogo conchetumare vogel, hace rato dejaste de entender tu tambien lo que es el hardcore,andai en la pura pose reculiá.

anonymous 10/23/2012 2:52:26 PM

Funny because it's true, funny because his band is a bullshit band as well.

anonymous 10/23/2012 2:54:31 PM

Any band willing to shit talk a another band for personal gain does not need respect.

anonymous 10/23/2012 2:55:41 PM

So he hates TGI but he does a collab with Obey The Brave? Vogel pls.

anonymous 10/23/2012 2:56:13 PM

"I thought it was a community where every walk of life who felt alone,broken,and shattered could come and feel accepted.I thought it was less about the band name on your shirt and more about loving the music.Less about what comes out of your mouth and more about what you do.Not giving a fck about what people think and doing what you know to be right in your heart.Yeah,breakdowns are cool but hardcore is about way more than that,so get your shit straight."-Jesse Barnett, Stick to Your Guns

anonymous 10/23/2012 3:00:06 PM

Screw this " I'm ard, own a bulldog, shave my head - living in my grandmas garage " fronted mallakee - it's about the music The music and brutal break downs. This is simple. The ghost inside FTW!

anonymous 10/23/2012 3:01:50 PM

old man...please. sing your songs. play your music. But there's really no need in talking shit about other bands..By the way, TGI is great.

anonymous 10/23/2012 3:03:59 PM

Grow up already! Aren't you like 50?

anonymous 10/23/2012 3:04:03 PM

Scott Vogel " Hardcore is my way of life. " Tours with Emmure. Scott Vogel " fck The Ghost Inside. " Guest spot on Obey The Brave record. Makes sense. HARDCORE FOR LIFE.

anonymous 10/23/2012 3:04:44 PM

haha i love terror so much scott vogal is so real/humble i love the message in the music to the lyrics to the aggression how much heart is has in it you know there about the MUSIC you know its fcking real my head is deep in hip hop and there still the one of the many hardcore band i listen to and keep up on -austinreid

anonymous 10/23/2012 3:10:16 PM

anonymous posted 10 minutes ago So he hates TGI but he does a collab with Obey The Brave? Vogel pls. Preach

withdeadhandsrising 10/23/2012 3:15:52 PM

uhhhh...i think he forgot his band released albums on the trustkill.

anonymous 10/23/2012 3:16:21 PM

Vogel likes Title Fight. Whoda thunk it?

anonymous 10/23/2012 3:18:26 PM

scott vogel used to manage a band called Stick To your guns. google that

anonymous 10/23/2012 3:19:02 PM

He bashes TGI yet he does guest vocals on Obey The Brave's album? Hypocrite. OTB is just a second hand TGI rip off. "Get out of my face."

anonymous 10/23/2012 3:19:04 PM

he was awfully nice to TGI before. funny how he's changed his tune. definitely called them "the future of hardcore" about 4 years ago.

anonymous 10/23/2012 3:19:59 PM

The Ghost Inside are awful. Nicely done, Scott.

anonymous 10/23/2012 3:21:44 PM

That's the alcohol talking I'm sure.

buddy_ackerman 10/23/2012 3:21:51 PM

Hardcore Macho Man "ooohh yeaah!" He's right about the ghost inside regardless.

anonymous 10/23/2012 3:22:42 PM

Not going to comment on the shit talking, but fck the guy who said "name one good terror record" because Lowest of the goddamn mother fcking Low you shit eating mother fcker push it away

anonymous 10/23/2012 3:26:14 PM

woot. Nobody cares about your opinion, Vogel. Hardcore is pretty damn stupid.

anonymous 10/23/2012 3:27:09 PM

Scott Vogel - "I AM HARDCORE!"

anonymous 10/23/2012 3:29:08 PM

First off, fck straight edge. Anyone that would use the fact that he drinks as argument is an idiot. Second, Terror is so fcking over rated. It's like majority of their fan base are like "Well, The Acacia Strain isn't cool anymore, what else is there that shows how tough I am?!" It's played out as hell. Also, TGI blows just as much. This is like two kids in special education calling each other retarded.

anonymous 10/23/2012 3:29:10 PM

I don't understand how in one breath he can say fck this band and that band but then in the next breath say we're all family and the enemy is out there.

anonymous 10/23/2012 3:30:03 PM

He bashes TGI yet he does guest vocals on Obey The Brave's album? Hypocrite. OTB is just a second hand TGI rip off. "Get out of my face." Well said. Obey The Brave sucks all sorts of dck.

anonymous 10/23/2012 3:31:22 PM

fck Terror indeed. Hardcore fcking sucks. Bunch of fcking idiots. I don't need a fcking family, I have one already.

anonymous 10/23/2012 3:31:46 PM

Terror is just proving that the hardcore scene is fulled with elitist jerks who think "beatdown" or "old school" hardcore is better than whatever other music is being put out nowadays.

anonymous 10/23/2012 3:32:06 PM

Every word that came out of his mouth was true. Terror is a true hardcore band, tgi is a scene kid band. Trapped under ice is fckin amazing, don't talk shit gays. Almost every comment on this is posted by an ignorant scene kid there are only a few comments that came from someone that is involved in the hardcore scene and to anyone that doesn't think title fight is a hardcore band your somewhat right, yes the music doesn't exactly sound like it but they are super involved in hardcore

davidpolicastro 10/23/2012 3:36:21 PM

I don't know what his beef is with them, but I assume it's something person considers bands like Emmure and Acacia Strain "hardcore" enough to tour with them.......

anonymous 10/23/2012 3:40:17 PM

When some or any of you internet hardcore critics have done for HARDCORE what Scott Vogel has than you opinion might count till then...keep loving the band's he has influenced and shut the fck up

anonymous 10/23/2012 3:41:09 PM

i thought the hardcore "scene" died along time ago? lets just preach to a bunch of kids about shit, because i guess that is hardcore.

anonymous 10/23/2012 3:41:46 PM

I do agree with the whole "We are a family and the real enemy is outside" statement.

anonymous 10/23/2012 3:43:35 PM

Terror has written great hardcore records. TGI has not. Regardless of metallic influences terror is a hardcore band 100%. REAL fans of the genre know its not so much about the music. Lowest of the Low means more than anything the ghost inside has ever done/will ever do.

anonymous 10/23/2012 3:45:36 PM

terror = shit the ghost inside = shit who really gives a shit besides them?

anonymous 10/23/2012 3:48:13 PM


anonymous 10/23/2012 3:49:06 PM


anonymous 10/23/2012 3:52:04 PM

"Those bands are so 'bout it 'bout it" LOL Go fck yourself you overgrown sissy. Stop flapping your fat mouth and play music.

anonymous 10/23/2012 3:54:41 PM

Scott Vogel is just butthurt because The Ghost Inside have already sold more records than Terror has and probably ever will.

anonymous 10/23/2012 3:55:51 PM


anonymous 10/23/2012 3:57:48 PM

At least he said what he said in the flesh, in person, and not behind a keyboard like most or you pussies these days. Real recognize real.

anonymous 10/23/2012 3:58:10 PM

Someone is upset ^ ..and probably 30+, with nothing to show in life except his membership in SOSF. COOL LYFE BRAH

anonymous 10/23/2012 3:58:33 PM

Scott Vogel is just butthurt because The Ghost Inside have already sold more records than Terror has and probably ever will. ^ not are a stupid motherfcker for suggesting such bullshit.

anonymous 10/23/2012 4:00:56 PM

fck The Ghost Inside. I'm happy that it's finally coming out that they're pieces of shit people that play terrible music.

anonymous 10/23/2012 4:01:01 PM


anonymous 10/23/2012 4:02:52 PM

females are about the drama. shit is whack.

anonymous 10/23/2012 4:03:03 PM

TERROR KNOW WHAT THEY'RE TALKING ABOUT. The fact that this got so far for an article to be written about it is pathetic. You're all pathetic.

anonymous 10/23/2012 4:04:49 PM

terror fcking blows end of story. He's just mad that TGI actually succeeds in life.

anonymous 10/23/2012 4:05:36 PM

"Someone is upset ^ ..and probably 30+, with nothing to show in life except his membership in SOSF. COOL LYFE BRAH" actually im not a member of SOSF nor 30, COOL ASSUMPTIONS BRAH

anonymous 10/23/2012 4:06:02 PM

The Ghost Inside wouldn't exist without Terror. Just because you put the word hardcore on a shirt doesn't mean anything when you're just a bullshit metal band. Scott Vogel knows.

anonymous 10/23/2012 4:09:11 PM

Not a good move on scotts part. Like others said, it completly goes against his "unity" in hardcore moto. Both are good bands in their own right, im not drawing a line in the sand to choose between them..

anonymous 10/23/2012 4:10:16 PM

Shut up preaching and play some fcking music.

anonymous 10/23/2012 4:10:40 PM

title fight is hardcore?

anonymous 10/23/2012 4:12:29 PM

To the c-ck who posted saying TGI are "doing it right, getting big"... You have no idea what hardcore is about. Going to a TGI show at the O2 is nothing like going to a small venue and watching a real band.

anonymous 10/23/2012 4:15:35 PM

For everyone who's saying terror are butthurt because the ghost inside sell more albums you clearly don't understand hardcore, punk or anything that the scene is about. The ghost inside should think themselves very grateful to have you sheep to buy their shit!

anonymous 10/23/2012 4:17:06 PM

If your not truly a hardcore fan... fck outta here If you are and your bashing Scott Vogel then maybe you should realize how much he has done for the scene he's put his entire life into it so have some respect cause that's what this scene is about otherwise stop repin hardcore

anonymous 10/23/2012 4:19:04 PM

To the guy who said The Ghost Inside have sold more records than Terror. You are fully wrong, One With The Underdogs sold over 40,000 copies and is still selling. Go have a word with yourself.

anonymous 10/23/2012 4:19:11 PM

There's a bunch of whiny pussies commenting here. I like both bands but a little shit talking isn't that big of deal. Everyone does it everyday.

anonymous 10/23/2012 4:19:59 PM


spyderdog 10/23/2012 4:21:38 PM

nice to see somebody speak their mind. i was under the impression that shit was outlawed in this scene now. god forbid you piss off any HS QB cool guy fcking posers, i never do shit for anybody scene queens, or the endless stream of ball hangers they always got running with them. not really saying i agree or disagree with what was stated here (dont give a shit either way), but its nice to see somebody say whatever the fck they want for once. i remember when it used to be like that all the time

anonymous 10/23/2012 4:23:23 PM

Well first off Terror is a hardcore band. Second, the Ghost Inside is not a hardcore band in any way what so ever. Terror is one the coolest hardcore bands ever, and if you don't see that you better come to terms to what you actually think hardcore is, cause it ain't the ghost inside.

anonymous 10/23/2012 4:23:44 PM

fck The Ghost Inside, awful band.

anonymous 10/23/2012 4:23:49 PM

^ what drugs are you on? playing a small venue and watching a real band? you think terror plays at vfw halls? the fck? tgi and terror shows are one in the same now.

anonymous 10/23/2012 4:24:44 PM

Scott does more for hardcore then any of you ever will. Whether its through Zines, releasing euro bands on his label, working w/ Reaper, helping out young bands.. The list goes on. Same goes out to every guy in the band. They ARE hardcore. Who cares what he said, that's not the issue. The issue is now more clear then ever, no one recognizes others as human beings.Maybe this is what it takes to weed out all you fake ass mother fckers.

anonymous 10/23/2012 4:26:04 PM

I guess if you are not hard style you're not a "real" hardcore band.

anonymous 10/23/2012 4:29:49 PM

god damn The ghost inside sucks dck, worst fcking band worst name. Everyone talks shit, who cares.

anonymous 10/23/2012 4:30:50 PM

fck scott vogel....literally ;)

anonymous 10/23/2012 4:32:40 PM

Im with scott all the way. The ghost inside is a bunch of sell out bitches. Terror over them any day. Fight me!

anonymous 10/23/2012 4:36:52 PM

But he's willing to guest vocal obey the brave...who sound exactly like TGI

anonymous 10/23/2012 4:38:36 PM

Mitt Romney 2012 \m/

anonymous 10/23/2012 4:42:09 PM

A 8 year old could play their riffs. fck them.

anonymous 10/23/2012 4:46:32 PM

I like OTB because I know them personnaly. I like TGI and I had the chance to speak with Jon on several occassions. Both great bands with each their own reasons to be in the hardcore scene. But to listen to a guy named Scott, who's been around the hardcore scene for quite awhile, and bitching about a band just because he doesn't like them ? I'm sorry but that's plain bullshit from him. I used to like Terror, but with that stupid comment they won't be on my tracklist for a while.

anonymous 10/23/2012 4:50:56 PM

Look who thinks he's the Pope of Chili town!

anonymous 10/23/2012 4:51:21 PM

yeah i kind of agree with scott, im listening to tgi right now they seem to be more of a "hardcore" band instead of a real hardcore band..but who really cares about what anybody says we all have the right to have our own opinions...Whats the big deal anyway. Shit i never even heard of tgi unil now. not a fan.....

anonymous 10/23/2012 4:52:18 PM

Scott Vogel thinks he the fcking Pope of Chili Town.

anonymous 10/23/2012 4:52:29 PM

You can't hate on TGI when you used to manage dck In Your Buns.

anonymous 10/23/2012 4:54:16 PM

WOWW, look, what hardcore should be about is bringing a big group of ppl together to listen to some heavy jams. Terror AND the ghost inside both do that. He's being an elitist piece of shit now cause TGI doesn't have enough megabeats in their songs. Btw TGI has been around about less than half the time terror has and accomplished an equal amount for heavy music. Just sayin.

anonymous 10/23/2012 4:55:19 PM

Says the dude whose bandmate founded Booty Smell Good Doe.

anonymous 10/23/2012 4:59:31 PM

Who cares about hardcore. Living Color is my favorite black metal band.

anonymous 10/23/2012 5:00:39 PM

read TGI dude's blog: / "While on tour with Terror I acted a fool and disrespected Scott and some of his friends. I've done my very best to make amends with them. He has a reason to dislike me and my band. That is something I can only blame myself for, and something that I have to live with. Hardcore is also about honesty, and he was just being honest with the crowd."

anonymous 10/23/2012 5:01:28 PM

Gold jacket... green jacket... who gives a shit! I enjoy both bands, though it seems petty and i don't understand why a leader in the hardcore scene would want the division. While hardcore isn't about making tons of money or "making it". Why judge a band because they've achieved some success?

anonymous 10/23/2012 5:04:14 PM

All I'm gona say is, Title Fight toured with ADTR... Yet, he respects them? word.

anonymous 10/23/2012 5:07:18 PM

he's not mad because tgi is "making it" its just them saying they're hordcore when they're really metalcore

anonymous 10/23/2012 5:09:32 PM

does it really matter what bands another bands tours with? are you really going to turn down an oportunity to make money?

anonymous 10/23/2012 5:12:09 PM

jonathan vigil, a real man, ladies and gentlemen

avenged521 10/23/2012 5:12:58 PM

I KNOW Vigil cares about the scene because I met him last night after the AP Tour and he couldn't have been a nicer guy. Plus when the security at the venue wasnt there to catch crowd surfers he called the club out because he was concerned for the fans safety. If he didn't care would he do all this I think NOT!

anonymous 10/23/2012 5:13:06 PM

vogel is a stupid motherfcker and stfu and play

anonymous 10/23/2012 5:17:31 PM

the irony of hardcore being about individuality, yet all acting and dressing the same, and sharing some cult-like bullshit moral code.

anonymous 10/23/2012 5:24:44 PM

I don't even like Terror's music, but speaking as someone who has opened for both of these bands, Terror definitely sounds more "hardcore" musically and plays with a mentality that holds truer to the punk/DIY ethos that created hardcore music. That TGI stuff is metalcorepop hot topic garbage lmao duh

anonymous 10/23/2012 5:26:54 PM

Somewhere Henry Rollins is saying the exact same thing about Vogel and Terror

anonymous 10/23/2012 5:27:25 PM

"anonymous posted 4 minutes ago the irony of hardcore being about individuality, yet all acting and dressing the same, and sharing some cult-like bullshit moral code." this this this

anonymous 10/23/2012 5:30:57 PM

Scott, there's a reason why Terror and any HC band that lasts more than 3 years has a revolving door for members - it sucks. People grow up, they move on. They mature and realize HC is gay as fck. Except you, Scott. You're still on the playground pretending to be something while other people become real people. fck, your suicide can't come fast enough.

anonymous 10/23/2012 5:33:20 PM

to all of you too stupid to figure out the title fight reference, go to your favorite search engine and type in "bad seed hardcore". Then it should all make sense.

cgrind3000 10/23/2012 5:34:47 PM

Wow it's MUSIC, who gives a fck?

anonymous 10/23/2012 5:37:46 PM

Adults talking about hardcore in a serious way is fcking hilarious to me.

StrikeLastFaceFirst 10/23/2012 5:37:53 PM

"..but speaking as someone who has opened for both of these bands.." GIVE THIS GUY A MEDAL.

anonymous 10/23/2012 5:38:15 PM

My old band did a couple tours with terror and i will say they are awesome guys. They were humble, fun to hang with, brought down the house every time they played. So much fun to watch. I will say talking shit is something that shouldn't happen. I understand not everyone likes every band, but as touring musicians you should respect each other enough to leave the beef out of the hardcore/metal scene and leave it to the rap game. Thats my two cents.

anonymous 10/23/2012 5:40:40 PM

Soundguy, can I get more stagedives in the monitors please?

anonymous 10/23/2012 5:42:16 PM

Vogel is bitter because he is old enough to collect social security.

anonymous 10/23/2012 5:44:09 PM

"name one good terror record" are you for real? the ghost inside are so mediocre, yeah vogel is abit of an idiot for bad mouthing other bands but still, whether you like terror or not, there is no denying that they're an amazing band.

anonymous 10/23/2012 5:51:06 PM

anonymous posted 19 minutes ago the irony of hardcore being about individuality, yet all acting and dressing the same, and sharing some cult-like bullshit moral code.

anonymous 10/23/2012 5:51:11 PM

sure have a lot to say..while being a band that has toured with miss may i and emmure lololol

anonymous 10/23/2012 5:52:14 PM

all of you gays need to shut the fck up. music isn't as serious as you think. nobody gives a fck what you listen to. you shitheads exhaust me with your pointless bitching

anonymous 10/23/2012 5:54:37 PM

i giggles when scott said title fight was hardcore

anonymous 10/23/2012 6:10:03 PM

" Adults talking about hardcore in a serious way is fcking hilarious to me. " LOL !! Amen to that.

anonymous 10/23/2012 6:13:22 PM

just as Ryan from poison the well said when asked about going for a softer sound: "hardcore is about playing whatever the fck you want."

anonymous 10/23/2012 6:22:32 PM

someone please tell me when scott vogel became frontman of a "hardcore" band...terror isnt/never will be considered hardcore, what a joke.

Snoopy2 10/23/2012 6:34:13 PM

They hypocrisy with hardcore and Vogel is that hardcore's a scene that always preaches unity and solidarity. That's until a new generation of bands that come in with different sounds, they get called out and criticized. This sort of boundary work just divides the very same scene not separate fragments and it goes against everything they once preached. With that being said, Vogel sounds like a elitist and pretentious idiot. But if you read this far then you're a gay.

anonymous 10/23/2012 6:35:18 PM

People saying Scott has done so much for hardcore & others' opinions don't matter because they haven't done what he's done…wake up. Any contribution he has made to hardcore would mean NOTHING without the fans (people posting here). You can't be an influence if no one listens to you. The fans have done WAY more for hardcore than he ever could. He's just dragging personal matters on stage because he's pathetic & needs the faux validation to feel good about himself. Everything he says is garbage.

Snoopy2 10/23/2012 6:35:31 PM

The hypocrisy with hardcore and Vogel is that hardcore's a scene that always preaches unity and solidarity. That's until a new generation of bands that come in with different sounds, they get called out and criticized. This sort of boundary work just divides the very same scene not separate fragments and it goes against everything they once preached. With that being said, Vogel sounds like a elitist and pretentious idiot. But if you read this far then you're a gay.

ShaolinLambKiller 10/23/2012 6:37:36 PM

All this shit is gay. both are bullshit bands.

anonymous 10/23/2012 7:06:38 PM

unreal, that there is so much shit talk about Terror. They are a TRUE hardcore band who have already stuck to their roots. Don't you think if Vogel was that out of line that TGI would have had a different response to the statements from vogel?

anonymous 10/23/2012 7:10:12 PM

sages gonna nig

anonymous 10/23/2012 7:39:42 PM

I'm going to wear a The Ghost Inside shirt to a Terror shirt and go speak to Scott. Maybe he'll hit me and have his crew try and kick my ass. We'll see.

anonymous 10/23/2012 7:40:23 PM

fck terror, fck vogel, fck every band he mentioned especially trapped under ice, and most of all fck hardcore.fck terror, fck vogel, fck every band he mentioned especially trapped under ice, and most of all fck hardcore.fck terror, fck vogel, fck every band he mentioned especially trapped under ice, and most of all fck hardcore.

anonymous 10/23/2012 7:49:05 PM

I'm pretty used to c-mming into a dasani bottle after handsex but i will c-m on toes for this.

anonymous 10/23/2012 8:00:51 PM

vogel comes off as a douche bag on a good day. I think he was sexually abused by his dad as a child. Just keep your bullshit "me,me,me" attitude to yourself and fcking play heavy music. Keepers of the Faith is a phenomenal record don't get me wrong, but really, a BON JOVI rip WTF!

anonymous 10/23/2012 8:06:45 PM

suck vogel & dck jett are hardcore's biggest douchebags.

anonymous 10/23/2012 8:18:30 PM

douche bag

anonymous 10/23/2012 8:19:04 PM

I heard scott vogel fought eric salzer once

anonymous 10/23/2012 8:20:49 PM

Genres are bullshit.

anonymous 10/23/2012 8:22:02 PM

It is like when you see a one-sided fistfight. There is just a dude on the ground, pummeled, crying and pleading "why are you hitting me". On the one hand, he comments section has blown up so fast, you would think avenged sevenfold had a van flip. No such thing as bad publicity.

anonymous 10/23/2012 8:42:36 PM

You know all those kids in the pit have TGI bumping in their car after this show.

anonymous 10/23/2012 8:51:54 PM

I love that song by The Ghost Inside, "Keep Your Mouth Shut." Great little ditty.

anonymous 10/23/2012 8:59:30 PM

"The thing about hardcore is, hardcore is an idea. Hardcore isn't a talent, hardcore's not these four walls, these bands, or the people in this room. Hardcore is a state of mind. And when you start coming up with rules and guidelines of what a hardcore band is; and what a hardcore kid is. Thats when it becomes not hardcore." - Ned Russin, of Title Fight

anonymous 10/23/2012 9:04:05 PM

seems like Vogel has a personal issue with the band more than anything, especially since TGI's singer basically wimped out and said, "yeah, Vogel is right to hate me, since I 'acted a fool around him' (what does that even mean?" But a lot of hypocrisy here too...if hardcore isn't about a sound but a value system, I'm not sure how Terror is that much different from TGI these days...both play larger venues, with non- hardcore bands, etc. But TGI are still weak as hell musically

anonymous 10/23/2012 9:07:19 PM

i aint gonna front i did the whole stage dive thing for terror, but haha is scott vogel a giant fcking turd. Dont be mad bro that TGI is able to reach new audiences and not be those kids in air maxes, camo shorts and windbreakers thats all every single band on that reaper shit is about

anonymous 10/23/2012 9:10:02 PM

It's all bullshit though, because if a HxC band wants to get "big" enough to stop dumpster diving and living with their parents, they have to worry about guys like Scott Vogel ripping on them for not being real. However, I have a feeling that TGI is probably a shitty bunch of guys based on their response to Vogel, basically admitting that they deserve it.

anonymous 10/23/2012 9:18:53 PM

To anybody all like " Title Fight isn't hardcore", get a fcking clue and listen to Bad Seed. Learn up, nerds.

anonymous 10/23/2012 9:21:29 PM

I sympathize with Scott Vogel. He's a older guy with a younger guy bothering him he got pissed. Young buck clammed up, and got Tom Sweeneyed.

anonymous 10/23/2012 9:26:50 PM

different music moves different people. who is anyone else to say what kind of band/music has influenced someone's life and mindset and really meant something to them. nothing that dude says on stage is going to change anything to fans of either band. personally i'd recommend spending more time pouring your heart and soul into music that means something to you than shit talking other bands doing that very thing on stage, but that's just me. but to each their own.

anonymous 10/23/2012 9:38:41 PM

one thing that is true is the ghost inside cant even match the energy that terror puts out

blankzzz 10/23/2012 9:48:36 PM

props to the guy from TGI for manning up and admitting he "acted the fool"...while scott vogel continues to do so unknowingly on a nightly basis.

anonymous 10/23/2012 10:05:52 PM

terror= fail. They were never tight. Never owned an album and never will. I can shart in a mic twice as hard as Scott from terror can.

anonymous 10/23/2012 10:06:24 PM


anonymous 10/23/2012 10:06:56 PM

if you would read the entire quote from Vigil youd get an understanding of why scott vogel said this. the singer from tgi basically justified why scott vogel doesnt like him

anonymous 10/23/2012 10:15:34 PM

that guy is a dck. he is disrespectful to everyone he comes into contact with. he has played my hometown multiple times only to break microphones, stomp holes in monitors, and destroy our venues. fck him.

Jdomestomp 10/23/2012 10:16:58 PM

(Lifting dumbbells). Terror=fail. They were never tight. Never owned an album and never will. I can shart in a mic twice as hard as Scott from "Terror" can

anonymous 10/23/2012 10:19:48 PM

Who the fck cares? Both bands are good, but Vogel sounds like every dumbass on YouTube arguing about genres.

anonymous 10/23/2012 10:56:37 PM

Christ, I haven't seen this much butthurt about genre labeling since I got on a forum with a bunch of metal nerds. If you ask me, Terror sucks, TGI sucks, TUI sucks. Scott Vogel is just a frat weenie that decided that punk rock was cool one day.

anonymous 10/23/2012 11:10:57 PM

All you kids back up terror go listen to something other than keepers of the faith.

anonymous 10/24/2012 1:25:17 AM

when all your songs are played with 1 finger, how can you really talk shit about real bands making real music? scott this hardcore scene that you dream of is a joke. and everyone is laughing at you.

anonymous 10/24/2012 1:47:05 AM

Shit like this is why I stopped caring about hardcore. Hardcore doesn't exist without drama. Somebody has to be tougher than someone else. Somebody listens to youth crew so they must be way more into hardcore than someone else. Somebody has to be more straight edge than the next. It's all stupid when you think about it. Shouldn't the music and the message be the most important part instead of who wears more camo and owns the most band tees?

anonymous 10/24/2012 2:41:56 AM

Recht hat er !! diese affigen sogenannten "hardcore" bands sind eher popcore-bravometal bands die sich in arsch begatten lassen um der masse zu gefallen. hauptsache tätowiert und tunnels im ohr pfffff

anonymous 10/24/2012 3:01:41 AM

Well, Scott Vogel says a lot about Bands he hate. Even if i always a Show from "Terror", i don't think he's right. It would be better if he told the Truth and said that he thinks Jonathan Vigil was disrespectful while they were on Tour. The Ghost Inside are a great Band, and in many Ways more positive than Terror will ever be. I will ALWAYS buy a TGI Shirt with the Word HARDCORE on it.

anonymous 10/24/2012 3:51:17 AM

If I had a fcking nickel for every time someone in hardcore said the word "family" or "community". It's the same recycled two step gorilla music regurgitated over and over.

anonymous 10/24/2012 3:51:26 AM

The Ghost Inside sucks. Terror sucks. Hardcore sucks. fck you.

anonymous 10/24/2012 4:26:29 AM

So, first he talks shit about Refused and now The Ghost Inside. It's bad enough Jonathan apologizes for his band and Scott talking shit about other bands, but it's worse that people are forgetting hardcore is about unity and respect. Yes I do think The Ghost Inside is a better band, but before these outbursts I listened to Terror as well, but never found it outstanding music, but quite ok. I've stopped listing to them and probably skip them at their European Tour in 2013.

anonymous 10/24/2012 4:49:07 AM

Welcome to the Grundell. We've got gay and gays. Everybody move up! Everybody move up!! I wanna show you my 7 millimeter penis. Its track 7 off our new up c-mming album. This song is called Hatebreed.

anonymous 10/24/2012 4:55:15 AM

This is very moist.

anonymous 10/24/2012 5:14:42 AM

Vogel is jealous because Terror does'nt have a tour bus

anonymous 10/24/2012 6:01:23 AM

Who is he, the leader of the hardcore movement of something??? I hate to be the one to break it to him, but Terror doesn't have an original sound or anything. $10 says that bitch was listening to Korn and Limp Bizkit, while the rest of us were listening to Strife and Vision of Disorder. Switch to hip hop if you wanna troll on the mic homo!

anonymous 10/24/2012 6:04:03 AM

"props to the guy from TGI for manning up and admitting he "acted the fool"...while scott vogel continues to do so unknowingly on a nightly basis." Truth.

anonymous 10/24/2012 6:19:50 AM

That's all about Scott's aging, getting selfish and being bad-tempered. Old ones usually like whining.

anonymous 10/24/2012 6:36:48 AM

What the hell is everyone bitching about? You don't know what happened between these guys, and Terror is more hardcore than every single one of you together

anonymous 10/24/2012 6:47:08 AM

terror is just as much a trend as tgi. any "self respecting tough guy" owns a terror shirt just like he also owns a snapback and vans. hardcore is a trend

LoydChristmas 10/24/2012 7:39:11 AM

anonymous posted 16 hours ago And most importantly, why the fck did he mention Title Fight? Title Fight isn't hardcore, they're just one of those bands that "hardcore kids" like for some fcking reason. THIS. Title Fight is terrible. A real "yea, lets go get some food during their set" band.

horseheadxbookends 10/24/2012 7:58:04 AM

TGI >>>> Terror

anonymous 10/24/2012 8:14:40 AM

At the end of this film we found out that Vogel and Vigil were actually the same person.

anonymous 10/24/2012 8:19:31 AM

Am I seriously the only person surprised there haven't been any Scumbag Scott memes yet?

anonymous 10/24/2012 8:52:48 AM


anonymous 10/24/2012 8:54:59 AM

"fck TGI." "We are all family." Seems legit.

anonymous 10/24/2012 8:57:24 AM

Have personally spent time Scott Vogel and the guy really is just very upfront with whatever he's pissed about. Just has a tough time expressing it tastefully.

anonymous 10/24/2012 9:03:03 AM

Hey Scott Vogel, it was really cool seeing you guys on tour with Emmure twice. Way to keep it real.

anonymous 10/24/2012 9:04:57 AM

Any publicity is good publicity, right Vogel?

anonymous 10/24/2012 9:06:23 AM

Vogel deserves an epic slow clap... in the face.

anonymous 10/24/2012 9:08:20 AM

All that I know about this kidding fight is: I Still enjoy Terror AND The Ghost Inside! But the real Los Angeles Hardcore is Suicidal Tendencies.

anonymous 10/24/2012 9:23:06 AM

VOGEL is a fan of c-ck

anonymous 10/24/2012 10:18:37 AM

Terror isn't a very good band. Neither is The Ghost Inside. Both pretty boring compared many other hardcore bands out there. How about a little innovation once in a while, quit writing the same boring, easily marketable shit that you write because you know it's what people want to hear, then you'll be better respected.

anonymous 10/24/2012 10:22:21 AM

Been saying this since they first came out..Hardcore for Hardcore, fck this WHOLE wave of (almost)radio-friendly "hardcore", remember what it's all about! And to those who asked "Title Fight?" Have you never listened to Bad Seed? Yes, Title Fight are a pop punk band who are VERY involved in the hardcore scene.

anonymous 10/24/2012 11:22:02 AM

i like turtles.

anonymous 10/24/2012 11:27:06 AM

I love both of these bands and it makes me sad to see them act like this.

anonymous 10/24/2012 12:54:27 PM

Terror, Take Offense, Trapped Under Ice, Backtrack, Reaper Records are all "bullshit". There's nothing "hardcore" or "real" about suburban wannabe hip hop kids in Airmax 90's and hipster cargo shorts. Stay elite, help out your shitty friends only, and keep writing more boring, non-threatening music.

anonymous 10/24/2012 12:59:17 PM

Homeboys just hatin' cause Terror is washed up, sleeping in the van, playing to 200 cap rooms for $150 guarantees while TGI is killing it. Pretty pathetic he's gotta resort to shit talking to try and drum up some interest for their new album that will struggle to sell 1,000 copies in the first week.

anonymous 10/24/2012 3:40:05 PM

What's hardcore?

anonymous 10/24/2012 3:41:10 PM

"Terror, Take Offense, Trapped Under Ice, Backtrack, Reaper Records are all "bullshit". There's nothing "hardcore" or "real" about suburban wannabe hip hop kids in Airmax 90's and hipster cargo shorts. Stay elite, help out your shitty friends only, and keep writing more boring, non-threatening music."

anonymous 10/24/2012 3:41:52 PM

THIS!!!!! "Terror, Take Offense, Trapped Under Ice, Backtrack, Reaper Records are all "bullshit". There's nothing "hardcore" or "real" about suburban wannabe hip hop kids in Airmax 90's and hipster cargo shorts. Stay elite, help out your shitty friends only, and keep writing more boring, non-threatening music."

duckduckfootloose 10/24/2012 5:54:08 PM

Isn't Terror pretty much a glorified tribute band?

anonymous 10/24/2012 6:47:12 PM

terror SUCKS & now people who don't waste time & money going to those garbage shows can see why :)

anonymous 10/24/2012 6:52:27 PM

Keepers Of The Fakes

anonymous 10/24/2012 7:40:46 PM

I don't think everyone read Vigil's response. Scott has some kind of beef with them over shit that happened on tour. Vigil is right about hardcore being a community for anyone. I can understand where Vogel is coming from but I think if they didnt have some sort of beef from before, he wouldnt be talking shit. Anyways, Terror is awesome, TGI is awesome, fck all of the elitist bullshit about what "real" hardcore is.

anonymous 10/24/2012 9:31:56 PM

did I actually hear him reference title fight as one of the hardcore bands of this era? who the fck is he kidding?

anonymous 10/24/2012 9:56:23 PM

fck the petty scene politics no one needs it and I'm saying this across the board. All I want to know is why the fck the people commenting that hardcore blows and its stupid are even here reading this? If you don't like a genre fine don't go trolling the net for stories about that genre and make useless comments nobody cares it just makes you seem like an jerk.

anonymous 10/25/2012 3:28:40 AM

anonymous posted 1 day ago he's not mad because tgi is "making it" its just them saying they're hordcore when they're really metalcore hordcore hordcore hordcore hordcore hordcore hordcore hordcore hordcore hordcore Also, Title Fight sucks dck.

anonymous 10/25/2012 5:12:56 AM ch?v=VaemO_rwSmg

anonymous 10/25/2012 8:21:06 AM

He acts like he is the "King of Hardcore" and he chooses who is hardcore and who isn't. TGI is hardcore, their lyrics are inspirational and mean something That's what I look for in a hardcore band.

anonymous 10/25/2012 9:57:24 AM

"Scott vogel has done so much for the scene, he has given his entire life for it blah blah fcking blah" He only does "hardcore" because he can't fcking read. If he could get a real job that pays money he would. Instead he stays on tour and tries to fck girls with sick tattoos!! fck all bands!

anonymous 10/25/2012 10:35:49 AM

Anyone trying to call Vogel out for being a newjack obviously doesn't know him or his history in hardcore. Slugfest, Despair, Buried Alive and now Terror. If Vigil pissed him off that sucks. Sometimes when you piss someone off there are repercussions and you get called out in front of a shit-ton of people. Vigil did the stand up thing by admitting fault when he didn't need to, now maybe Vogel will respect that. Maybe not.

anonymous 10/25/2012 10:53:10 AM 8

anonymous 10/25/2012 11:15:31 AM

Jesse Barnett is not stoked

anonymous 10/25/2012 12:49:18 PM

no buried alive, no care ever

anonymous 10/25/2012 12:53:52 PM

This is stupid, and most of you guys are just going to dckride either Terror or The Ghost Inside cause that's what band beef is all about when they're both technically mainstream now cause a handful of people dckride them so hard now and can't even name a record other than KOTF or Returners/Get What You Give so fck you guys.

anonymous 10/25/2012 1:20:46 PM

Its just the beef in the rap game. Its all a stunt to get more publicity in order to sell records. They should make a DVD HxC Beef!

anonymous 10/25/2012 1:43:46 PM

good bad indifferent, the issue is Vogel is in a network of dudes where its perceived that they cant be f'd with. TRUST when i say the dude in TGI is shitting his pants right now. Being on the wrong side of this dude when your IN that scene feels like a bad place to be. That being said Emmure is HATED by Vogels closest friends in New England and it ddnt mean one fn thing. Emmure is a shit band doing well. Scott & friends have NO REAL POWER. only HYPE, & hype doesn't mean shit. dont be pussies.

anonymous 10/25/2012 2:03:48 PM

Everybody just shut the fck up. It's music. Why is there a fcking debate over this bullshit non-news? Just shut the fck up.

anonymous 10/25/2012 2:18:26 PM

a good rule of thumb is that if a band has a name 3 or more words long most likely its a fcking scenecore band. of mice and men, the devil wears prada, a ghost inside, the acacia strain, etc. anyone who listens to these bands but says they like hardcore needs to grow a pair and listen to some old-school nyhc.

anonymous 10/25/2012 5:05:06 PM

He sounds like a wanna be cult leader.

anonymous 10/25/2012 5:43:36 PM


anonymous 10/25/2012 6:13:09 PM

You guys did read the part where the singer said "While on tour with Terror I acted a fool and disrespected Scott and some of his friends. I've done my very best to make amends with them. He has a reason to dislike me and my band. That is something I can only blame myself for, and something that I have to live with. Hardcore is also about honesty, and he was just being honest with the crowd."

anonymous 10/26/2012 9:36:42 AM

Vigil probably called Vogel out on the fact that he speaks of unity in the hardcore scene yet he is affiliated with FSU.So you preach about respecting each other yet your "crew" is at the same show beating the shit out of anyone and everyone who is a possible threat to them or simply having fun.Give me a fcken break and grow the fck up.I like terror and the ghost inside, but I've got no respect for a band who needs a crew or gang that ruins the good name of hardcore. Or whatever's left of it

anonymous 10/26/2012 1:06:54 PM

Terror is an evolved form of the original 70's hardcore. The Ghost Inside is a further evolved hardcore band as well. both are evolved forms and one is bitching about the other. POKEMON METHOD PEOPLE!!!

anonymous 10/26/2012 8:39:01 PM

"Im Scott Vogel, Im gonna publicly call out TGI (A successful band)for attention for our new record coming out, TGI isnt hardcore becuase their music has dynamics... that must be it. But were all family right? fck you Scott. I just burned all my terror records.

anonymous 10/26/2012 8:50:31 PM

Scott Vogel is ANYTHING but humble . He used to be a really cool guy in the Buried Alive and Despair days , but to say Terror is so "hardcore" and he does so much for the scene etc etc is BULLSHIT . Every Terror album sounds exactly the same except the tuning seems to have gotten lower over the years which is stereo typical of a metal "core" band . I don't listen to the Ghost Inside but I agree with what the kid said about hardcore not really being a sound but more of a lifestyle .

anonymous 10/26/2012 8:55:23 PM

Vogel get off your fcking soap box . He plays to every trend . Always has always will . From straight edge metal core bands to now "old school" hardcore with metal influence . Terror is the band that's uncool to like which is why every douchebag has that stupid long sleeve shirt . Scott Vogel is not the be all end all on what hardcore is or isn't. Funny a guy who's band writes the same record over and over again is giving lessons in what's hardcore

TheWorldIsEmpty 10/26/2012 11:53:53 PM

LOL and this fcking idiot called Title Fight a hardcore band. I love Terror but what the fck is up with everyone in even bands talking shit nowadays? Grow up that isn't what hardcore is about going off talking shit like some little 14 twofaced c*nt. Absolutely retarded and I give Vigil his respect for saying what he did....but seriously though....Title Fight....a hardcore band? I'm done. Backtrack <3

TheWorldIsEmpty 10/27/2012 12:03:08 AM

We all know Harm's Way is better than both of those bands so let's just leave it at that - Jared

die_die_die 10/27/2012 5:18:52 PM

buried alive > slugfest > despair > terror

anonymous 10/29/2012 1:24:17 AM

you mother fckers are less than nothing. most of you have no idea what hardcore is. the majority of you blowing up terrors page talking shit just graduated high school.

anonymous 10/29/2012 1:27:21 AM

all you know is what these mediocre labels shove down your throat. your source of finding new music is hot topic warped tour and rise records bull shit. hardcores definitely not the same as it was 10 years ago. the amount of shit your fckin high schoolers are saying. id love to see you gays go to a terror show and talk shit because he offended one of the latest rise records bands that you heard on a hot topic sampler. EAT SHIT

anonymous 10/30/2012 12:34:24 PM

"Hardcore is about being hardcore, not being not hardcore." (buttons up windbreaker, puts on snapback cap backwards, ties vans extra tight)

SMDEMS313 10/31/2012 12:54:39 AM

What the hell happened to just stabbing the person you have a problem with,if you were really HARDCORE you would have gone all Harley Flanagan on their ass.

anonymous 12/9/2012 10:57:42 PM

I like terror, but sometimes I kinda have the thinking that they're not hardcore anymore. machismo bullshit. HEll, NIRVANA was more hardore than most of all of these bands today. they're too self conscious about how they look, their shoes nike, new balance. hc was about not giving a fck, nihilism, rebellion. In my scene you get picked at, if you DONT dress like them, the new era hat, hoodie.

anonymous 12/9/2012 10:58:50 PM

They're putting a pressure on the kids. Hardcore now is like the underground HIP-HOP, the pressure of being cool is exhausting. They feel the need to have the breakdowns, to keep people dancing. that's fcking selling out.

anonymous 12/9/2012 11:13:17 PM

fck vogel, kurt cobain was more hardcore than him. Machismo bullshit. putting breakdowns to please people so they would dance on their songs. putting pressur on kids to wear hoodies, new era hats. Kurt was a guy who don't give a fck and dat's what hc is about.

anonymous 12/14/2012 10:14:36 AM

bottom line: hardcore doesn't need this shit. stop creating drama like you're a fcking kardashian. keep your mouth shut, do your thing. if you need to stoop to this level to create a buzz or whatever just stop playing music.

anonymous 12/15/2012 2:27:38 PM

Honestly, I disagree with Scott about The Ghost Inside. They are a true hardcore band just like terror is. Scott just needs to let the high school drama go. Where's Have Heart when you need them. Be positive. Terror is one of the best hardcore bands ever. By him stating this, terror fans may like them less now. Title Fight is not a hardcore band. I hate it when people categorize them as hardcore. They're Pop Punk!

anonymous 12/26/2012 9:58:53 AM

Never cared for the pssy hardcore genre, but talking smack about other bands is a sign of weakness.

anonymous 1/8/2013 8:37:41 AM

You're all c*nts. listen to bulldoze.

anonymous 1/10/2013 8:50:26 AM

LOL terror sounds like complete shit... No joke. Honestly scott can go kill his self for all i care... He probably will anyway from all that coke.. the ghost inside has so much more talent than terror ever will and the bad part is that terror has been around longer LOL and for the record .. i aint no damn scene kid. Ive just always never liked terror.

anonymous 1/10/2013 8:19:25 PM

Shit like that is the reason the "hardcore scene" sucks a big dck. "Family" "being posi" all of it is fake, with pits run by a group of elitist friends with nothing better to do than secretly drink before a show, claim edge, and beat kids up that don't share the same opinions as them.

anonymous 1/14/2013 4:25:23 PM


anonymous 1/30/2013 10:03:58 PM

you either understand hardcore or you don't. the ghost inside does not. the real hardcore fans know why.

anonymous 1/30/2013 10:08:52 PM

Also listen to bulldoze(2)

anonymous 2/2/2013 10:52:59 AM

Doesn't Vogel walk around in FSU shirts? Was it impossible to have just kicked vigils ass and put it online? That= 10x more entertainment and 10x the record sells

anonymous 2/26/2013 9:32:39 PM

Scott Vogel has every right to talk shit on tgi. Not only is tgi's music quite far from any type of hardcore (ESPECIALLY melodic hardcore), theyre not even involved in americas modern hardcore scene. Just look at their touring history (warped tour, attack attack, miss may i, parkway drive, etc). Just because their lyrics are "meaningful" doesnt mean they need to call themselves hardcore. Songs of any genre can be meaningful. I love terror and tgi both, but scott vogel is completely right

anonymous 2/27/2013 1:19:03 AM

Stop talking bullshit Vogel. Hell, why does any band like to bash an other one. Just respect each other. That's what hardcore is really about, not this crap.

m_s182 2/28/2013 11:19:11 AM

Long live hardcore. Past, present and future! Long live the bands with real shit to say in there songs. Long live people with the balls to stand for something good! Love The Ghost Inside and Terror too, but fck anyone who tries to define hardcore as a sound!

anonymous 3/21/2013 8:31:00 AM

Bonita Friedland whacked her hubbie's member in Lake Forest, Illinois for watching internet porn. Bonita Friedland is no fun in Lake Forest, Illinois.

anonymous 3/22/2013 7:08:03 PM

i like terror's music always will, but this is just some egotistical shit. they're not the music, just the D-bags behind it. I prefer District 9's tunes anytime though

anonymous 3/23/2013 6:01:26 AM

Bonita Friedland de-nuded her hubbie's balls in Lake Forest, Illinois, calling them hairy and disgusting! Bonita Friedland trashes her hubbie for his internet porn addiction in Lake Forest, Illinois. Bonita Friedland's hubbie watches internet porn 10 hours a day in Lake Forest, Illinois.

anonymous 4/2/2013 9:54:55 AM

Bonita Friedland socked big money into her offshore bank account after hubbie "P" confessed to his latest affair in Lake Forest, Illinois. Is her hubbie getting gray in the balls or what? Seems Bpnita Friedland's hubbie has the middle aged crazies in Lake Forest, Illinois. Bonita Friedland is getting richer by the minute with her offshore loot.

anonymous 4/29/2013 10:33:55 AM

If Bonita Friedland's hubbie loves internet porn in Lake Forest, Illinois, it is because Bonita Friedland is a big turn-off sexually. Bonita Friedland is a Sicilian slut who turns off her hubbie "P."

anonymous 5/2/2013 6:39:06 PM

Terror can suck my left nut.

anonymous 5/13/2013 5:59:10 AM

Bonita Friedland lives in a loveless marriage in Lake Forest, Illinois. Bonita Friedland hates her cheating hubbie but says he will get half if they split. Bonita Friedland has filed for divorce in Lake Forest, Illinois and says she's got the proof of her hubbie's cheating.

anonymous 5/19/2013 8:14:44 PM

i wonder how much time this dude spent typing up this bullshit hardcore is music. most grow out of it.

anonymous 7/20/2013 7:51:05 AM

fck that! I love terror, and also i like tgi! Can t u see everybody?! They just have been in complain with them! Hardcore is just a way they re using to attack'em and this is wrong! Let hardcore the fck out from this bullshit!

anonymous 7/23/2013 8:30:36 PM

Is it about the scene or your ego Scott? What's the point of pumping out your chest and bashing on another band to a bunch of random ass people? Only cause YOU don't like them? You talk about family. What you're doing is a way to break up a family. Attention seeking, stupid and immature.

anonymous 7/29/2013 4:12:13 AM

Takes a big man to admit a mistake like that. Much respect. I love Terror, and The Ghost Inside. Hardcore lives.......back to community.

anonymous 10/9/2013 5:42:28 PM

Terror fcking blows anyways.

anonymous 10/14/2013 2:43:13 PM

Yeah I'm pretty sur that im the only guy on here that likes both bands.

anonymous 10/18/2013 7:38:47 PM

Don't take shit from anyone. Especially internet divas like yourselves. If you cross a man, then handle that shit. That's hardcore. fcknutz.

anonymous 10/20/2013 9:42:28 AM

Both bands do not hold a flame to REAL hardcore. Bands from the 80s that had more punk influence rather than metal influence were real hardcore. 7 seconds, verbal assault, youth of today, cro-mags. Early crossover stuff like ST, DRI and Leeway were even cooler. Sucks that Vogel lost his way. Bring back the old school. You can't even skate to terror. suck it.

anonymous 11/7/2013 11:34:26 AM

The music scene would be a lot better place if people listened to music without worrying about what genre/sub genre it belonged to and instead rearyzed the lyrics and music for what it means to them, and didn't value it's meaning based on the false context. Hardcore is supposed to be a place where people can come and be appreciate without having to conform to the norm so society, but by creating a heiarchy of genres and rules for those genres we are just conforming to society all the same.

anonymous 11/7/2013 11:35:34 AM

Also nobody should gain a sense of superiority because they've been in the hardcore scene longer or are a "vetran" of hardcore. you may have been exposed to hardcore earlier because you are older or live in a different area. Gaining a sense of superiority from this is discrimination, which is everything hardcore is not about. Just appreciate it for what it means to you

anonymous 11/12/2013 9:12:26 AM

Listen to the bands that move you. Who cares about the genre? I listen to everything, from hardcore to radio pop. My heart is in the hardcore and metal scene. I grew up in the pit. But now that I'm older (31) I realize that none of this shit matters. It's about finding music that resonates. Life is not a competition.

anonymous 11/21/2013 1:03:22 PM

Lol. I remember Terror's first show... afterward somewhere on the internet someone was like "Scott Vogel has been giving the same speeches since he was in Buried Alive." Seems like it's still true.

anonymous 12/20/2013 11:47:48 AM

Different generations. Hardcore has a huge following now and hardcore bands are actually making money. Let Vogel hate, he cut it upand snort it later

anonymous 2/18/2014 5:43:58 PM

this is what hardcore is about and not talking behind the back of somebady. what do you stand for??? stay true vigil! you doin good! you dont need to give a statement!

anonymous 3/19/2014 10:20:21 PM

if you dont care about hardcore why even be here at all got hit at a show and it hurt ohh sorry hunny you want a band aid lmao

anonymous 5/26/2014 1:05:42 PM ttopic/Terror+Live+By+The+ Code+T-Shirt-10003096.jsp

anonymous 9/30/2014 9:50:45 AM

TGI better than Terror and does it.

anonymous 12/11/2014 10:20:13 AM

Haha Terror sucks. They don't know what theyre talking about. The Ghost Inside is a great band and they had no reason to diss them.

anonymous 6/3/2015 12:41:23 PM

You're so hardcore Scott Vogel. How'd those vocals you did on New Found Glory's newest record turn out you fvcking hypocrite.

anonymous 10/25/2015 2:37:23 PM

what a fcking turd. as an adult how can you try to hold an audience captive for that long spewing dumb shit out of your mouth.

anonymous 10/27/2015 8:58:46 AM

Some of my favorite memories in the hardcore scene involved secret Terror shows to raise money for other people in the community. Lowest of the Low will always be one of my favorite old school hardcore albums. With that said, The Ghost Inside is one of the only hardcore bands I still listen to consistently. Leave it to the music boys.

anonymous 10/28/2015 8:33:14 AM

Terror fcking blows.

anonymous 2/27/2023 1:34:00 PM
