TidbitsFebruary 17, 2016 9:38 PM ET

Bring Me The Horizon singer Oli Sykes pretty much wrecked Coldplay's table during the NME Awards.

During the NME Awards 2016 in Austin, Texas today, frontman Bring Me The Horizon frontman Oli Sykes hopped up onto Coldplay's table and proceeded to knock over glasses and bottles. The chaos prompted Coldplay Jonny Buckland to move from his seat. A video clip can be seen below. Speaking with NME after the incident, Coldplay frontman Chris Martin said that although he had never heard of BMTH before, "it was great... very rock n roll." No word on if Sykes' was getting revenge for what he perceived to be Coldplay's theft of BMTH cover artwork. Bring Me The Horizon won the NME Innovation Award during the ceremony. [via ThePRP]